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All admissions to Elizabeth Woodville Primary School are handled by Leicestershire County Council.  Further information on making an application can be found by visiting the website link below. 

All applications for a September 2024 place must be made online by 15th January 2024 via the link at the bottom of this page.

All pupils are admitted to school in the Autumn Term. Following the opportunity for a school visit, children have a short phased entry to school, which supports all children in settling happily and quickly into school life in accordance with Leicestershire guidance.

Parents considering sending a child to this school are invited to phone or call in to make an appointment to visit the school.  At present, a large proportion of our school population comes to us from within our catchment area, and it is not always possible to admit all the children from out of catchment whose parents seek admission to this school.  The criteria applied in deciding which children will be admitted are those laid down by the Local Authority.  Siblings of children already at the school will be admitted first; any remaining places up to the Planned Admission Limit are then allocated, with precedence being given to those with pressing social or medical reasons, and then to those living nearest to the school.

Once you have secured a place for your child, you will be invited to an induction evening at school in the summer term before your child starts: this is an opportunity for us to inform you of the workings of the Foundation Stage class and for parents to talk with teachers.  The children make their first visit to school during the half-term before their admission and attend full time by the second full week of the autumn term.  Children may also be admitted at any age across the primary range and this may occur when a new family moves into the catchment area or when parents who live out of catchment express a preference for this school, provided that spare places are available.