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Curriculum Intent

Our Aims and Values

At Elizabeth Woodville Primary School, we believe in ‘Striving for Excellence Together’. Pupils, staff and governors work alongside parents to provide a highly supportive and stimulating learning environment that challenges and supports all children.

We nurture natural curiosity for learning by offering a range of creative learning opportunities, based on the needs of our children, with progress and partnership being key.

Our passion lies in developing happy, motivated, independent, confident learners who reach their full potential.

Our Curriculum Intent

Our curriculum is built around 4 key concepts developed throughout all subjects.

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Inspiring: a lifelong love of learning

At Elizabeth Woodville Primary School we provide all our children with truly memorable experiences that enhance learning, while progressively building on prior knowledge to increase pupils’ depth of understanding. To achieve this, we have designed an ambitious curriculum that is rich and deep; this inspires a life-long love of learning.

We are passionate about embracing the strengths in our children and staff. Therefore, we ‘strive for excellence’ in all areas of the curriculum, with every subject having equal importance. We provide children with the ‘foundations’ of the curriculum in Early Years and Key Stage one, which are built on further in Key Stage 2.

Our exciting and purposeful learning opportunities stimulate, challenge and promote a passion for thinking and acquiring knowledge. We have created an immersive, knowledge-rich curriculum that is practical and built on real-life experiences and current events. Our children draw on first-hand learning to foster interpersonal skills, demonstrate resilience, enhance communication and develop critical thinking.

Reading and Oracy:

Use a rich vocabulary and articulate views with confidence

At Elizabeth Woodville we believe that the acquisition of language skills through reading and Oracy is at the centre of all learning.

We ensure our children quickly develop a life-long love of reading as the gateway to their ever-expanding world, fuelling their appetite for learning and limitless imagination.

We believe in providing our children with a platform to demonstrate their thinking and understanding of what they have read and discussed. Through the curriculum our children will frequently present and explain their views to a range of audiences, including their peers.

At the end of their primary education, our children are confident speakers and avid readers.

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Securing Essential Knowledge:

Embed understanding to achieve targeted endpoints
Our whole school curriculum ensures that all learning is aspirational and that knowledge builds progressively from year to year. Subjects are interwoven through a range of progressive units and key knowledge is frequently revisited through retrieval and recall practice at the start and during each topic.

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Specific knowledge has been carefully curated to accompany each learning unit to maximise retrieval and progression from year to year. Our pupils’ understanding deepens as these knowledge structures build and become increasingly complex as pupils move through the key stages.

Our subject content is discretely taught to ensure full and in-depth learning and coverage. Our interactive and creative displays showcase our pupils’ learning whilst creating a thirst for knowledge.

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At Elizabeth Woodville, we understand the importance of practising previously learnt knowledge and skills to ensure learning has been passed to long-term memory.

We have developed targeted endpoint assessments to ensure pupils secure the essential knowledge and skills required to demonstrate their understanding within each year group.

Throughout their school journey, children will embrace opportunities to demonstrate what they know, embedding prior learning while obtaining new knowledge to deepen their understanding.

Our teachers are passionate, caring and enthusiastic and have high expectations for each and every child. All children will succeed with the right provision and a supportive environment.

Heritage and Locality:

Purposeful learning rooted in our identity, history and community

Our unique approach enables our pupils to delve into their own identity and heritage and what makes living in Groby and Leicester unique.

Our curriculum develops our pupils’ understanding of their heritage and community; it celebrates local, national and global culture. The content of our curriculum is rooted in our community’s heritage, celebrating the Tudor history of our local area and the diverse culture of the city of Leicester. Our curricular approach promotes fundamental British Values, including freedom of speech, democracy and equality.

A feature of our curriculum is the way we work alongside practising ‘experts in their fields’ to really bring our learning to life. Every year our teachers are joined by real-life scientists, authors, artists, musicians and athletes from our local and national partnerships. Pupils learn French as the school’s modern foreign language. This is supplemented with units of Mandarin learning in Year 3 and Year 5 to support the curriculum work with our collaborative partner school in Chengdu, China.

We form meaningful links through our national and global partnerships with schools and organisations. In addition, our innovative use of emerging technologies ensure pupils are applying their highly proficient computing skills to create ambitious content.

This community, national and global outlook is an integral feature of our curriculum and enables our pupils to see the wider purpose and goal for everything they learn in school.

At our school, learning is never limited to the classroom. We explore and learn outside the classroom in a wide variety of ways. Whether through residential trips, journeys to places of historic interest, or visiting our local communities, our learning takes us places!

Our curriculum ensures pupils are at the heart of shaping their own curricular development. Learning at Elizabeth Woodville is always meaningful, engaging, practical and fun.

At the end of the 7-year learning journey… Elizabeth Woodville Primary School pupils will have developed deep reservoirs of knowledge, which combined with Oracy has deepened their understanding of the world around them. Pupils are independent, resilient, instinctively collaborative and adaptable young people, that are well-prepared for the challenges and opportunities that await them in Key Stage 3 and beyond.

If you would like further information on what is taught in our curriculum, please contact the school office.